22.08.03, 09:38
Ich hab auf meinem Webserver V-Webmail installiert, nur leider funktioniert es nicht so recht.
Wenn ich mich einloggen will, dann passiert gar nix...
Vielleicht ist es nur eine Kleinigkeit in meinem Config-file:
; <?php /*
; $Id: servers.php,v 1.4 2002/11/05 15:47:40 richard Exp $
; +----------------------------+
; | V-webmail servers file |
; +----------------------------+
; DO NOT ALTER THIS FILE! Make a copy called local.servers.php and modify that instead.
; About this file
; ===============
; This file is used if you want to only allow access to a certain set of servers.
; For example if you have three servers, and you only want your users to use these
; three, you would specify them in this file, and set servers_strict to On. If you're
; not bothered then you can set servers_strict to Off, however the default settings
; for the login page server/type/port will be taken from the first set of server
; settings (initially marked as "Default Server"). It's therefore very important that
; you have at least one set of server settings in here.
; If this file is changed and thus the last modified time changed, it will be
; re-read. If the last modified time does not change, it will not be re-read.
; If you wish to comment out an entry in this file, put a semi-colon (;) at the
; start of the line. Similarly, if you wish to uncomment an entry, remove the semi-colon.
; This setting determines, as mentioned above, whether the users of V-webmail will be
; limited to the server settings in this file or not. If you set this to On and have
; multiple servers
servers_strict = On
[Default Server]
; This is the IP address or hostname (preferably) of the IMAP/POP3 server you're connecting to.
srvr = localhost
; This is the port of the IMAP/POP3 server you're connecting to. It's usually 143 for IMAP and
; 110 for POP3.
port = 110
; This is the type of protocol to use. This can be one of the following:
; imap - Regular IMAP server
; imap/notls - If you're using a recent version of PHP (4.1.0+) and also
; the 2001 version of the c-client library, then if you're IMAP
; server advertises SSL support it will be used if you set the
; protocol to "imap". If this is the case (an example is the
; bundled IMAP/PHP RPMS with RedHat Linux 7.3), then you should
; use this option
; imap/ssl - IMAP over SSL where the server has a *valid* SSL certificate
; imap/ssl/novalidate-cert - IMAP over SSL where the server has a self-signed certificate
; pop3 - Regular POP3 server
; pop3/notls - See imap/notls
; pop3/ssl - POP3 over SSL where the server has a *valid* SSL certificate
; pop3/ssl/novalidate-cert - POP3 over SSL where the server has a self-signed certificate
type = pop3
; If you're using IMAP then you should set this to the folder prefix appropriate for your server.
; With UW-Imap this is usually "mail/" or "Mail/", whilst with Courier or Cyrus this is usually
; "INBOX."
fold = mail/
; When using allow_changeable_email set to Off, this option will be used to build the email address
; instead of the mail server hostname. Eg if you have a mail server at but your
; email addresses are of the form (and not then you
; would enter "" here.
domain =
; The following smtp options are optional. If not specified defaults will be applied. Note that
; all of these entries are commented out by default.
; This is your smtp server. It can be the same as or different to your imap/pop3 server. If not
; specified the application will use built in PHP functionality to send mail, usually meaning
; a sendmail binary (eg. /usr/sbin/sendmail) will be required and correctly configured in your
; php.ini files.
smtp_srvr = localhost
; This is the port for the smtp server. If not specified port 25 will be used.
smtp_port = 25
; This setting determines who V-webmail says it is when connecting to the SMTP server. If not specified
; then the current SERVER_NAME will be used, ie the server name displayed in the browsers address bar.
smtp_helo =
; This setting determines whether SMTP authentication will be used or not when connecting to the smtp
; server. Should be set to either "On" or "Off". If you use this setting, your server MUST support
; basic authentication or the app WILL NOT send email!
smtp_auth = Off
; The username and password to be used for smtp authentication. If left blank and smtp_auth is set to On
; then the username/password used to login will be used for smtp authentication.
smtp_user =
smtp_pass =
; Some performance options.
; o use_uids Determines whether to use the UID for referencing messages, or the message number. This
; can increase performance, especially over remote links, or with large mailboxes. The trade
; off is that it's theoretically possible to click a message in the list page, and be presented
; with a different message as message numbers are not unique to a message and can change
; between connections. If this change occurs then caching can also affect what is presented if
; for example, you delete a message and another message is added to your mailbox at the same
; time. This occurs because the number of messages hasn't changed, and thus the cache isn't
; cleared.
; o extended_listing Determines whether extended information is presented in the mailbox listing. This includes
; importance detection and attachment detection. Using this means all of the headers of the
; message headers are requested by the application, so turning it off can significantly
; improve performance, particularly on large listings.
use_uids = On
extended_listing = On
; Here follows some example entries for pseudo servers. Note they are all commented out, and none will
; work (probably...). If you uncomment them, ensure there is no leading whitespace (spaces or tabs).
;[Example Server 1]
;srvr =
;port = 143
;type = imap
;fold = INBOX.
;smtp_srvr =
;[Example Server 2]
;srvr = localhost
;port = 110
;type = pop3
;smtp_srvr = localhost
;smtp_port = 25
;smtp_auth = Off
;smtp_user = smtpsend
;smtp_pass = djief83rhnj
; Don't change the following line...
; */ ?>
Mein Server ist ein SuSE 8.1 Professional mit Postfix. Postfix selber funktioniert mit Pop3 einwandfrei.
Wenn ich mich einloggen will, dann passiert gar nix...
Vielleicht ist es nur eine Kleinigkeit in meinem Config-file:
; <?php /*
; $Id: servers.php,v 1.4 2002/11/05 15:47:40 richard Exp $
; +----------------------------+
; | V-webmail servers file |
; +----------------------------+
; DO NOT ALTER THIS FILE! Make a copy called local.servers.php and modify that instead.
; About this file
; ===============
; This file is used if you want to only allow access to a certain set of servers.
; For example if you have three servers, and you only want your users to use these
; three, you would specify them in this file, and set servers_strict to On. If you're
; not bothered then you can set servers_strict to Off, however the default settings
; for the login page server/type/port will be taken from the first set of server
; settings (initially marked as "Default Server"). It's therefore very important that
; you have at least one set of server settings in here.
; If this file is changed and thus the last modified time changed, it will be
; re-read. If the last modified time does not change, it will not be re-read.
; If you wish to comment out an entry in this file, put a semi-colon (;) at the
; start of the line. Similarly, if you wish to uncomment an entry, remove the semi-colon.
; This setting determines, as mentioned above, whether the users of V-webmail will be
; limited to the server settings in this file or not. If you set this to On and have
; multiple servers
servers_strict = On
[Default Server]
; This is the IP address or hostname (preferably) of the IMAP/POP3 server you're connecting to.
srvr = localhost
; This is the port of the IMAP/POP3 server you're connecting to. It's usually 143 for IMAP and
; 110 for POP3.
port = 110
; This is the type of protocol to use. This can be one of the following:
; imap - Regular IMAP server
; imap/notls - If you're using a recent version of PHP (4.1.0+) and also
; the 2001 version of the c-client library, then if you're IMAP
; server advertises SSL support it will be used if you set the
; protocol to "imap". If this is the case (an example is the
; bundled IMAP/PHP RPMS with RedHat Linux 7.3), then you should
; use this option
; imap/ssl - IMAP over SSL where the server has a *valid* SSL certificate
; imap/ssl/novalidate-cert - IMAP over SSL where the server has a self-signed certificate
; pop3 - Regular POP3 server
; pop3/notls - See imap/notls
; pop3/ssl - POP3 over SSL where the server has a *valid* SSL certificate
; pop3/ssl/novalidate-cert - POP3 over SSL where the server has a self-signed certificate
type = pop3
; If you're using IMAP then you should set this to the folder prefix appropriate for your server.
; With UW-Imap this is usually "mail/" or "Mail/", whilst with Courier or Cyrus this is usually
; "INBOX."
fold = mail/
; When using allow_changeable_email set to Off, this option will be used to build the email address
; instead of the mail server hostname. Eg if you have a mail server at but your
; email addresses are of the form (and not then you
; would enter "" here.
domain =
; The following smtp options are optional. If not specified defaults will be applied. Note that
; all of these entries are commented out by default.
; This is your smtp server. It can be the same as or different to your imap/pop3 server. If not
; specified the application will use built in PHP functionality to send mail, usually meaning
; a sendmail binary (eg. /usr/sbin/sendmail) will be required and correctly configured in your
; php.ini files.
smtp_srvr = localhost
; This is the port for the smtp server. If not specified port 25 will be used.
smtp_port = 25
; This setting determines who V-webmail says it is when connecting to the SMTP server. If not specified
; then the current SERVER_NAME will be used, ie the server name displayed in the browsers address bar.
smtp_helo =
; This setting determines whether SMTP authentication will be used or not when connecting to the smtp
; server. Should be set to either "On" or "Off". If you use this setting, your server MUST support
; basic authentication or the app WILL NOT send email!
smtp_auth = Off
; The username and password to be used for smtp authentication. If left blank and smtp_auth is set to On
; then the username/password used to login will be used for smtp authentication.
smtp_user =
smtp_pass =
; Some performance options.
; o use_uids Determines whether to use the UID for referencing messages, or the message number. This
; can increase performance, especially over remote links, or with large mailboxes. The trade
; off is that it's theoretically possible to click a message in the list page, and be presented
; with a different message as message numbers are not unique to a message and can change
; between connections. If this change occurs then caching can also affect what is presented if
; for example, you delete a message and another message is added to your mailbox at the same
; time. This occurs because the number of messages hasn't changed, and thus the cache isn't
; cleared.
; o extended_listing Determines whether extended information is presented in the mailbox listing. This includes
; importance detection and attachment detection. Using this means all of the headers of the
; message headers are requested by the application, so turning it off can significantly
; improve performance, particularly on large listings.
use_uids = On
extended_listing = On
; Here follows some example entries for pseudo servers. Note they are all commented out, and none will
; work (probably...). If you uncomment them, ensure there is no leading whitespace (spaces or tabs).
;[Example Server 1]
;srvr =
;port = 143
;type = imap
;fold = INBOX.
;smtp_srvr =
;[Example Server 2]
;srvr = localhost
;port = 110
;type = pop3
;smtp_srvr = localhost
;smtp_port = 25
;smtp_auth = Off
;smtp_user = smtpsend
;smtp_pass = djief83rhnj
; Don't change the following line...
; */ ?>
Mein Server ist ein SuSE 8.1 Professional mit Postfix. Postfix selber funktioniert mit Pop3 einwandfrei.