Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : install OpenOffice

25.07.04, 11:33
ich habe OpenOffice 1.1.2 runtergeladen und will installieren.
Entpacken kein Problem.
Beim Installieren bekomme ich dann aber die Meldung:
bad interpreter: keine Berechtigung
Besitz und Berechtigungen müssten aber stimmen. Also Hilfe !

25.07.04, 11:41

poste doch mal wie genau du entpackst usw...
Also einfach wie du es mit tar oder so versuchst.
Hellsehen können wir leider nicht ;)


27.07.04, 09:11
Entpackt mit „tar -xzvf .....“ und auch mit KDE „hier entpacken“. Kommt (muß ja) beides auf’s selbe raus: macht ein neues Unterverzeichnis "installer" mit entsprechenden Dateien, u.a. "installer_open....". Aber das install-Zahnrad „macht nichts“ und ./install gibt obige Meldung mit „intepreter“ raus.

27.07.04, 15:40
Wie aktuell ist dein System denn? Welchen Kernel, KDE, ... hast du?

Hast du die ganze Sache auch so probiert? :

1. Make sure you are root
2. Download the tarball from OpenOffice.org (the download can be done from any user account and then moved), and extract the tarball (.tar.gz file) to a temporary directory.
"/tmp" is a good place for example. For the purpose of this example, I will assume you have downloaded the tarball to your /tmp directory.
3. Open a terminal, such as xterm or konsole.
To extract the tarball, change to the /tmp directory: cd /tmp
and extract the tarball: "tar -zxvf [tarball name]".
4. This should create a directory "OOo_1.1x_LinuxIntel_install".
("x" in this sense is a suffix to version 1.1 that will depend on the version you downloaded.)
5. Change into this directory: cd OOo_1.1x_LinuxIntel_install.
6. Execute the setup script for a "network" installation.
This is done with the following command: "./setup -net"
This is a friendly installation process which will prompt you for a destination directory and other OpenOffice installation options. When the setup is finished, you should have a complete "network" installation installed in the destination directory you specified. Tips on installing OpenOffice.org with an NFS setup can be found on our nfs tips page.

Note:It is NOT advisable to install over an existing OpenOffice installation. If you want to use the same destination as an existing version of OpenOffice, delete the contents of the existing directory!
7. Part of the installation process includes telling OpenOffice about your Java installation. Normally this can be automatically found or you may need to supply it, or install the JRE supplied with OpenOffice if you don't already have it installed. (But see Prerequisites for more control over this.)
8. Each user on your system should then execute the user-setup for OpenOffice.org.
To do so, login as a regular user, then change into the program directory where you installed OpenOffice.org:
cd /opt/OpenOffice.org1.1.0, for example
and execute the following command:
The user portion of setup will now execute. Tell setup to perform a Workstation installation (should copy about 1.4 MB of files to your home directory) and typically let it default to the directory it recommends for storage of the local files in your user directory.
Example: "/home/billg/OpenOffice.org1.1.0"
Follow the instructions and fill in your contact details.

If your users have been previously running an older version of OpenOffice, they should delete the current version of .sversionrc before starting up the newly installed version. This will reinitialize the version information for the new setup.
9. That's it! If you use GNOME or KDE (provided your distro keeps the KDE user files in ~/.kde2), you will find that OpenOffice.org is fully integrated in your environment. If you use a different Windowmanager, you can start OpenOffice.org by typing ~/OpenOffice.org1.1.0/soffice
10. You may remove the install files in /tmp, if you are done installing. (thanks to Henrik Eismark for pointing this out)
