Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Installation von kde bei apt-get verhindern

03.02.04, 20:28

Ich habe mir erst vor kurzen SuSE Linux 9.0 gekauft und bin noch relativ neu auf diesem Gebiet.
Habe in einigen Foren gelesen, dass man apt4rpm nutzen sollte um das System immer möglichst aktuell zu halten. Also habe ich mir das mal installiert und finde es auch relativ praktisch. Allerdings habe ich das Problem, dass das System immer versucht die "kde3-i18n-de-3.1.95-0" zu installieren und beim upgrade immer folgende Meldung ausgiebt:

Führe RPM aus (-Uvh)...
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
file /opt/kde3/share/doc/HTML/de/kgamma/index.cache.bz2 from install of kde3-i18n-de-3.1.95-0 conflicts with file from package kgamma-1.0.1-281
file /opt/kde3/share/doc/HTML/de/kgamma/index.docbook from install of kde3-i18n-de-3.1.95-0 conflicts with file from package kgamma-1.0.1-281
file /opt/kde3/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/kgamma.mo from install of kde3-i18n-de-3.1.95-0 conflicts with file from package kgamma-1.0.1-281
file /opt/kde3/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/kopete.mo from install of kde3-i18n-de-3.1.95-0 conflicts with file from package kopete-0.7.3-8
file /opt/kde3/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/kgpg.mo from install of kde3-i18n-de-3.1.95-0 conflicts with file from package kgpg-1.0.0-200
file /opt/kde3/share/doc/HTML/de/umbrello/authors.docbook from install of kde3-i18n-de-3.1.95-0 conflicts with file from package umbrello-1.1.1-277
file /opt/kde3/share/doc/HTML/de/umbrello/code_import_and_generation.docbook from install of kde3-i18n-de-3.1.95-0 conflicts with file from package umbrello-1.1.1-277
file /opt/kde3/share/doc/HTML/de/umbrello/index.cache.bz2 from install of kde3-i18n-de-3.1.95-0 conflicts with file from package umbrello-1.1.1-277
file /opt/kde3/share/doc/HTML/de/umbrello/index.docbook from install of kde3-i18n-de-3.1.95-0 conflicts with file from package umbrello-1.1.1-277
file /opt/kde3/share/doc/HTML/de/umbrello/introduction.docbook from install of kde3-i18n-de-3.1.95-0 conflicts with file from package umbrello-1.1.1-277
file /opt/kde3/share/doc/HTML/de/umbrello/other_features.docbook from install of kde3-i18n-de-3.1.95-0 conflicts with file from package umbrello-1.1.1-277
file /opt/kde3/share/doc/HTML/de/umbrello/uml_basics.docbook from install of kde3-i18n-de-3.1.95-0 conflicts with file from package umbrello-1.1.1-277
file /opt/kde3/share/doc/HTML/de/umbrello/working_with_umbrello.docbook from install of kde3-i18n-de-3.1.95-0 conflicts with file from package umbrello-1.1.1-277
file /opt/kde3/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/umbrello.mo from install of kde3-i18n-de-3.1.95-0 conflicts with file from package umbrello-1.1.1-277
file /opt/kde3/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/juk.mo from install of kde3-i18n-de-3.1.95-0 conflicts with file from package juk-1.95-46
file /opt/kde3/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/kcachegrind.mo from install of kde3-i18n-de-3.1.95-0 conflicts with file from package kcachegrind-0.4.2-51
E: Unterprozesss /bin/rpm gab Fehlercode zurück (4)

Kann mir bitte jemand sagen, wie ich das jetzt installieren muss und ob ich das Packet überhaupt benötige, bzw. verhindere, dass es installiert wird.

Vielen Dank im vorraus! :)

mfg Bene86